Islam spread with tolerance and did not spread by the sword - الموسوعة العربية للمعرفة

مقالات تشمل كافة مجالات الحياة لنشر الوعي و المعرفة

اخر الأخبار

الأحد، 28 أكتوبر 2018

Islam spread with tolerance and did not spread by the sword

Islam spread with tolerance and did not spread by the sword

Islam spread with tolerance and did not spread by the sword

Some of the enemies of Islam claim to be missionaries, orientalists, Jews and others: that the wars in Islam were to force non-Muslims to enter Islam, and that those who converted to Islam entered it with duress and oppression, not with conviction and submission

They claimed that the Prophet's biography bears witness to the spread of Islam by the sword, and that invasions conquered by the Prophet - peace be upon him - was intended to force people to enter Islam by force.

This rite has an impact on it from the standpoint of the following:
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) stayed in Mecca for thirteen years, calling for good argument and exhortation without fighting or shedding a point of blood, and he and his companions were vulnerable to torture and abuse to turn away from their religion. What increased them only insisting on following the truth, if there is coercion, in the rejection of Islam, not in his followers.

Second: The income of Islam to the people of Yathrib - the city of the Prophet - without any fighting; their master was convinced of Islam when presented by the Prophet - peace be upon him - Vbayoh sold the first and second Aqaba, and then sent to them Musab bin Amir Vajtahd in the call of the people of the city until most of them entered Religion of Islam, where forced in the Islam of the people of the city ?!
Thus, it is clear that there is no doubt that the immigrants and supporters - who are the cornerstone of the first Islamic state - have entered into the religion of God for conviction and surrender, and have suffered in the process of persecution and persecution; thus negating any suspicion of coercion and coercion in their right.

Thirdly: The wars and Islamic invasions in the Prophetic era, most of them were not initiated by Muslims, for example, the Muslims in Badr and one of the parties, but the invasions of the Jews and the opening of Mecca and Mu'tah and Tabuk and others, was the punishment of those who betrayed contracts and violated covenants and charters, and began to attack, God - peace be upon him.

Fourth: Muslims were often involved in unequal battles in terms of number and number, as their opponent was overwhelmingly superior to them.

In the Battle of Mutah - for example - the number of Muslim soldiers is about three thousand men, while the number of the army infidels two hundred thousand fighters, not to mention the superiority in the kit and the machine, do you think this weak minority to be tempted by the power and begin to impose with them from Right on these huge crowds ?! Has three thousand Muslims sought to impose Islam on two hundred thousand people ?!

Fifth: The beliefs do not settle in the souls under the weight of the sword and oppression at all, but rests with persuasion and the clear argument, even if the peoples had entered Islam in a forced and quickly rebelled against him and his speech, but the fact that history and the fact that the Islamic peoples are the most cohesive peoples Despite her suffering from persecutions and wars in many parts of the world even in our times.

Sixth: It is known that there is an Islamic intensity in South-East Asia, in a country that was not set foot by Muslim Mujahid Fatih, the Philippines and Indonesia, there are tens, even hundreds of millions have converted, who forced them to convert to Islam ?! It should be noted that these constitute the majority of Muslims in our time.

There are also many Muslims in the countries of Europe and the Americas, a country not entered by the Muslim conquerors, and there are Muslim minorities in all non-Muslim countries and they are committed to Islam, thank God.

Every day, masses of people enter Islam in non-Muslim countries, until official non-Islamic statistics have shown that Islam is the fastest-spreading religion in the world today.

Seventh: This confirms the invalidity of this rite: History proves that some of the forces and armies that fought the Muslims and defeated them, such as the Tartar example - have converted to Islam and entered into the religion of God in groups, in the precedent may not have known history, as usual, the victor to enter into the religion of the defeated ?! And any suspicion of coercion here ?!
Eighth: The texts of sharee'ah testify to the lack of coercion and coercion in religion, as the Almighty says: "There is no compulsion in religion." [Al-Baqarah: 256] And God says: "Do you hate people so that they may be believers?" [Yunus: 99] .

Al-Saadi said in his interpretation of the verse of al-Baqarah: "This is a statement of the perfection of this Islamic religion, and that it is to complete its proof and clarify its signs, and that it is the religion of reason and science, the religion of instinct and wisdom, the religion of righteousness and reform, and the religion of truth and guidance. But if it is accepted by him, he will not accept it, because it is for his worshipers; ].

One may say: Why did jihad begin in Islam? Is not forcing people to convert to Islam?
The answer to this is that Jihad did not begin in the first place to force people to enter Islam. Rather, the ultimate aim of Jihad is to purify the earth from the atmosphere of strife until the people are worshiped by Allah, the Lord of the worlds alone. In the land of God, among the worshipers of God, and the return of humans to the origin of their prey, which is Islam to God Almighty who saves men from all despicable slavery to others.

So Raba'i ibn Amer said to Rustam, the king of the Persians, explains the reason for the jihad of the Muslims: "Allah has sent us to come out of the will of the worship of the worshipers to the worship of God, from the narrowness of the world to its capacity, and from the injustice of religions to the justice of Islam. We accepted him and we returned from him, and the father never fought until we fall to the promised God "[2].
This is what the right to the Qur'an says: "And fight them so that there will be no fitnah, and the religion will be for Allah, if they are finished, there is no aggression except against the oppressors." [Al-Baqarah: 193]

Ibn Katheer said: "Allaah has enjoined the fighting of the infidels so that there will be no fitnah, ie, shirk, Ibn Abbas, Abu al-'Aliyah, Mujahid, al-Hasan, Qatadah and al-Rabee ', and Muqtasil ibn Hayyan and al-Sadi and Zaid ibn Aslam. Other religions "[3].

Al-Tabari said: "Vqatlohm so as not to be a trap and worship only God alone has no partner, the scourge of the slaves of God from the earth is sedition," and religion is all to God, "he says: And to be obedience and worship all of God pure exclusive" .

To illustrate this, we say:
If you want to treat a people of alcoholism, you must close the mufflers. If you want a person to repent of adultery, do not make him live among brothels. When you want to make people healthy, you must provide them with a clean, healthy atmosphere. The earth of the diseases of polytheism and rid of diseases of infidelity, and this meaning: "so as not to be sedition."

The jihad in Islam is not to compel people to Islam; rather, to make way for them to worship Allah and leave shirk, by providing an atmosphere of faith for them to help them differentiate between truth and falsehood. The majority of the ignorant "[Al-Baqarah: 256].

[1] Tafseer al-Sa'di, p. 92.
[2] Beginning and End (5/107, 108).
[3] Tafseer Ibn Katheer (1/341).
[4] Al-Bayan Mosque, al-Tabri (6/327).

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